When your laptop fan starts making a lot of noise, it can be frustrating and annoying. Not to mention, it can also be a sign that something is wrong with your computer. This blog post will discuss why laptop fans make noise and how you can troubleshoot the issue. We will also provide some tips on keeping your laptop fan running smoothly.
Why My Laptop Fan Is Making Noise?
There are a few potential reasons why your laptop fan might be making noise. One possibility is that the fan is dirty and needs to be cleaned. Another possibility is that the fan is damaged and needs to be replaced. A third possibility is that something is blocking the airflow and causing the fan to spin more quickly to generate more airflow. If you’re not sure what’s causing the noise, you can try cleaning or replacing the fan or checking to see if anything is blocking the airflow.
What To Do If Your Laptop Fan Is Making Noise
1. Shut down your computer and wait 10 to 20 minutes before restarting it. This will allow the system’s metal components to cool without being cooled by the fan. In addition, turn off your laptop’s screen saver feature or set it to “None.”
2. Improve ventilation where you use your laptop. Don’t obstruct any vents on your machine, and avoid placing objects near them that could block airflow (like a pillow). If you find that the bottom of your laptop is too hot, consider getting a cooling pad or stand that elevates its temperature away from contact with legs or other surfaces.
3. Check the fan’s settings. Click “Start,” then right-click on “Computer” and select “Properties.” Click “Device Manager” in the left pane. Click “+” next to your laptop’s name, click “+” next to “System Devices,” then right-click on the item titled “Cooling System.” Click Properties, then click the Driver tab. If any of these options are enabled, disable them by clicking the checkbox shown as “(x).” Skip this solution if you can’t find or identify this component or section.
4. Use a compressed air spray to remove dust build-up that restricts airflow into each vent. Do not direct air towards any components other than fans because excess moisture may cause your laptop to malfunction.
5. If you’re still having issues with your laptop’s fan running or spinning too loudly, consider upgrading or replacing it.
6. Unplug the power supply unit, remove the battery pack and hold down the On/Off switch for 15 seconds before plugging everything back in again. This will reset the system unit after a power failure has interrupted its boot sequence.
Some Different Types Of Laptop Fans
1. Heat Sink Fan
The heat sink from a CPU is an excellent way to keep the processor cool and prolong its life. They’re made from aluminum and copper and can be customized according to user preference. A laptop is not equipped with a heat sink design unless it comes with an ultra-slim form factor; however, installing one does exist. As for installation, this type of fan goes underneath the laptop and acts as a barrier between the metal frame and internal components such as the hard drive. It’s important to note that installing this type of fan will extend the thickness of your device, so choose wisely!
2. Exhaust Fan
This is your average PC cooling system that draws hot air from inside your machine. If you see an intake or exhaust fan on a laptop, it is specifically designed for this purpose. The design might vary, but they usually have a grill at the bottom that sucks in air from outside and an opening underneath where hot air exits. They also come with noise-reducing technology! However, notebooks do not have enough space to allow for efficient cooling via exhaust fans alone.
3. Battery Fan
This fan is only found in laptops that support removable batteries since it keeps the battery excellent during operation. It has been reported that high temperatures may occur when batteries are not cooled properly, so by installing a battery fan, users can avoid experiencing issues such as reduced battery life and shorter operating time. In addition, using a cooling system will prolong the life of your battery since overheating accelerates wear and tear! This type of fan does not require any setup or installation since it comes with the package when you buy a new battery. To get one for yourself, head over to batteryupgrade.com!
4. CPU Fan
CPU stands for central processing unit, generally the heart of your laptop or notebook. If it overheats, users will experience all sorts of glitches and performance issues. A CPU fan does not take up much space, so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t have one on your device! Installing this type of fan is generally more difficult than installing other models, so I suggest having someone who knows what they’re doing do it for you if you are inexperienced. Alternatively, ask an expert at a computer store to help you out and avoid damaging your machine by accident by attempting to do it yourself!
5. Air Intake Fan
This type of fan comes with a pad underneath that catches all the dirt and dust before entering your machine. Unlike exhaust fans, air intake takes in air from the bottom, so hot air remains inside. At first glance, users may think that an intake fan is only effective during the summer since hot air will enter regardless of whether or not it’s cold outside. However, this is not true because an intake fanalso cools your device during the winter. The reason for this is simple; when hot air enters through an opening at the bottom, cooler air near this slot also gets sucked in to compensate therefore making up for what was lost via heating! These intakes usually look like a grill and come with all modern laptops.
How To Clean Your Laptop Fan
Step 1. Shut Down Your Laptop
Before performing any maintenance on your laptop, make sure that you shut it down properly first. To do this, find the power button on your laptop and turn it off. If you can’t locate the power button or your laptop doesn’t have one (like Macs), then look for a circular icon that looks like a circle with an arrow pointing upwards towards another line. Clicking this will also shut down the computer.
Step 2. Unplug Your Laptop From Its Power Source
To ensure that no electricity is powering your computer while you are cleaning it, unplug it from its power source (be it a wall socket or batteries). This means that you should remove the battery pack if there is one in your particular laptop model.
Step 3. Open Up The Case Of Your Laptop
Now that your laptop is turned off and unplugged, the next step is to open up the case of your laptop. If you can not do this on your own or are unsure how to do it, then refer back to your owner’s manual, which should have instructions about how to do it.
Step 4. Clean Out The Fans Inside Your Laptop
Once you’ve opened up the case of your laptop, find the fans inside of it and clean out all of the dust that may be clogging them. To clean them out with compressed air, spray some in using an aerosol can at close range so that the wind from the nozzle moves around any dust particles inside. You can also wipe down parts of these fans with a rag or blow on them with your breath (don’t get too close, though).
Step 5. You’re Done!
Now all you have to do is put the case of your laptop back on and plug it in. If you performed this correctly, your fan should be working again like new! Just make sure that when you plug it back in, it won’t catch any of the exposed wires or metal prongs inside the case on fire (if there are any).
The fan on your laptop is making noise because the blades are hitting something. This could be some things, including dust, dirt, or hair. If you have pets, their fur can also get caught in the fan and cause it to make noise. -The best way to fix this problem is by cleaning the fan blades. You can do this by using a compressed air duster or a vacuum cleaner with the hose attachment. Be sure to hold the vacuum cleaner close to the fan while you’re vacuuming so that you can suction up all of the dirt and debris. -If there is a lot of build-up on the fan blades, you may need to use a brush or toothbrush to clean them off.