Why Is My Computer Not Connecting To Wifi? – A Troubleshooting Guide

by John Sanderson
Why Is My Computer Not Connecting To Wifi

For many of us, our computers are the center of our lives. It’s where we do our work, keep up with friends and family, and connect with others. But sometimes our computers are not connecting to wifi. This can be frustrating because, in this day and age, we rely on wifi as a major part of our daily lives. Here is a troubleshooting guide for when your computer is giving you trouble connecting to wifi that will hopefully help fix the problem!

Why Is My Computer Not Connecting To Wifi?

1. The first thing you should always check is the wifi connection on your computer. Make sure you are connected to a wifi network. If you are connected, make sure the wifi icon in the lower right corner of your screen is not grayed out or red.

2. The second thing you should check is if there are any updates available for your computer’s wifi card or its drivers. Often, updating these can fix a lot of problems with connecting to the internet, including connecting to wifi networks.

3. The third thing to check is if there are any viruses on your computer that could be interfering with connecting to the internet, including connecting to wifi networks on your computer. Viruses can interfere with a lot of different things and sometimes they will even interfere with getting online wirelessly as well as using other wireless devices like printers and game controllers and so forth.

4. The fourth thing is to run a malware scan on your computer using Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is an excellent tool for removing viruses from computers and it also has some excellent tools for detecting and removing malware from computers as well as preventing it from ever infecting them in the first place which means you won’t have viruses interfering with connecting to wifi networks or anything else on your computer again!

5. The fifth step would be to run CCleaner which will clear out all of the temporary files that accumulate over time on our computers which can cause problems when it comes to wireless connections and other problems.

6. The sixth step is to make sure the wifi adapter on your computer is enabled. If the wifi adapter is disabled, it won’t be able to connect to anything! This can be disabled by accident sometimes and that’s why you should check!

7. The seventh step would be to open up the command prompt in Windows and type ping www.google.com -t which will ping Google repeatedly until you tell it to stop using a period or a hyphen or whatever you use as a signal in the command prompt. This will ping Google repeatedly without stopping so that you can see if there are any issues with your connection or anything else going on with your computer or network when it comes to connecting to wifi networks wirelessly on your computer!

8. The eighth step would be to restart your computer and test connecting again after it has been rebooted because sometimes simple things like this can fix all kinds of problems on our computers including problems with our wireless adapters and being able to connect to wifi networks wirelessly!

9. The ninth step is for when all else fails, especially if none of these troubleshooting tips have worked for you yet, then there are some more advanced things you can try including updating your drivers (again), checking out what kind of hardware you have installed in your computer, checking for viruses (again), and a whole lot more!

10. The tenth step is to keep trying again and again until you get it working because it’s not fun to not be able to connect to wifi networks wirelessly on your computer!

What Are The Signs That My Computer Is Not Connecting To Wifi?

1. Your computer will not connect to your wifi networks and you will not be able to get online.

2. You’ll see a lot of yellow exclamation marks in your network icon in the lower right-hand corner of your screen that indicates there is a problem with your connection or that you are connected but can’t access the internet.

3. You may see a red x over your network icon in the lower right-hand corner of your screen which indicates that you are not connected at all and that nothing is connecting to the internet!

4. You may see a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark over your network icon which indicates that there is something wrong with the connection between Windows and your wireless adapter on your computer which could be caused by all kinds of things including viruses, spyware, malware, or just general issues!

5. Your wireless adapter may have disappeared from Device Manager entirely on its own! This can happen when we uninstall drivers for our wireless adapters or something else happens and it isn’t able to be fixed automatically by Windows! This is a very bad sign when this happens because it means we won’t be able to connect to wifi networks wirelessly on our computers until we fix this problem!

How Do I Fix These Problems?

1. The first thing you should do is power cycle or reboot your router or modem by unplugging it from the wall and waiting a few minutes before plugging it back in again because this can fix a lot of problems with our computers including problems with our wireless adapters being able to connect to wifi networks wirelessly!

2. The second thing that can help is deleting and reconnecting your adapter on your computer which can also solve some issues with connecting to wifi networks wirelessly on computers! If this works, then great, otherwise keep reading for more troubleshooting tips!

3. The third thing that can help is checking out what kind of hardware you have installed in your computer such as a wireless adapter if you are trying to fix problems with connecting to wifi networks wirelessly on laptops or something else like this! If you have an older wireless adapter or the wrong kind of wireless adapter installed in your computer then it might not be able to connect to wifi networks wirelessly on your computer!

4. The fourth thing that can help is checking out what kind of software you have installed in your computer such as a wifi driver if you are trying to fix problems with connecting to wifi networks wirelessly on laptops or something else like this! If you have an older version of the software installed on your computer then it might not be able to connect to wifi networks wirelessly on your computer!

5. The fifth thing that can help is updating your wireless driver and/or wifi driver if you are trying to fix problems with connecting to wifi networks wirelessly on laptops or something else like this! If you have an older version of the software installed on your computer then it might not be able to connect to wifi networks wirelessly on your computer!

6. The sixth thing that can help is updating other important drivers and programs such as BIOS, antivirus, etc. if you are trying to fix problems with connecting to wifi networks wirelessly on laptops or something else like this! If you have an older version of the software installed on your computer then it might not be able to connect to wifi networks wirelessly on your computer!

7. The seventh thing that can help is resetting the router and modem by unplugging them from the wall and waiting a few minutes before plugging them back in again because this can help solve problems with connecting to wifi networks wirelessly on laptops or something else like this!

8. The eighth thing that can help is resetting your computer by holding down the power button for about 30 seconds before releasing it and then waiting about 5 minutes before turning it back on again because this can help solve problems with connecting to wifi networks wirelessly on laptops or something else like this!

9. The ninth thing that can help is checking out your wifi adapters settings such as the channel and maybe changing them if you are trying to fix problems with connecting to wifi networks wirelessly on laptops or something else like this! If you have an older version of the software installed on your computer then it might not be able to connect to wifi networks wirelessly on your computer!

10. The tenth thing that can help is turning off a firewall such as Windows Firewall if you are trying to fix problems with connecting to wifi networks wirelessly on laptops or something else like this! If you have an older version of the software installed on your computer then it might not be able to connect to wifi networks wirelessly on your computer!


If you are experiencing issues connecting to wifi, a quick fix is to try restarting your router. If the issue persists, we have some additional troubleshooting steps to help you figure out what could be causing the problem and what you can do next.

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