What Is Client In Computer? A Detailed Explanation

by John Sanderson
What Is Client In Computer

A computer is a device that can process data and it includes a central processing unit (CPU), memory, storage devices, input devices (keyboard and mouse), output devices (monitor and printer), and networking capabilities. A client is the part of the system that accesses shared resources such as files, printers, or the Internet. It does this by requesting services from other computers in a network. In order to provide these services, servers are configured with software that processes client requests and distributes them to the correct server. Server software also handles other tasks such as managing user accounts, monitoring activity on the network, controlling access to shared resources, and logging information about requests for service.

What Is A Computer?

A computer is a device that can process data and it includes a central processing unit (CPU), memory, storage devices, input devices (keyboard and mouse), output devices (monitor and printer), and networking capabilities. A client is the part of the system that accesses shared resources such as files, printers, or the Internet. It does this by requesting services from other computers in a network. In order to provide these services, servers are configured with software that processes client requests and distributes them to the correct server. Server software also handles other tasks such as managing user accounts, monitoring activity on the network, controlling access to shared resources, and logging information about requests for service.

What is a client?

A client is the part of the system that accesses shared resources such as files, printers, or the Internet. It does this by requesting services from other computers in a network. In order to provide these services, servers are configured with software that processes client requests and distributes them to the correct server. Server software also handles other tasks such as managing user accounts, monitoring activity on the network, controlling access to shared resources, and logging information about requests for service.

What Are The Different Types Of Clients?

1. Server-side processing – The server performs tasks on behalf of a client, such as compiling source code. The server can also handle requests from multiple clients at once.

2. Server-side storage – A server is often used to store files that are accessed by clients.

3. Server-side authentication – Servers authenticate users and allow them to access resources on the network.

4. Server-side networking – Servers act as routers for network connections, routing packets between two or more hosts on the network.

5. Server-side security – Servers protect against unauthorized access and malicious attacks by filtering packets and controlling access to resources on the network from inside and outside the firewall.

How Does A Client Request Services From A server?

1. Client-side processing – The client requests services from the server using a protocol. The server then processes the request.

2. Client-side storage – A client request may result in files being stored on the server.

3. Client-side authentication – A client request may result in a user being logged into a local system and gaining access to files on that system.

4. Client-side networking – A client request may result in an Internet connection to be established between two hosts on the network, or it can be used in other ways, such as sharing a printer over the network or sending e-mail messages over an Internet connection to another host on the network.

5. Client-side security – Clients can use encryption protocols and secure sockets layer (SSL) to protect their transmissions across networks and servers from eavesdropping and tampering by unauthorized users or attackers.

6. Client-side processing – A client request can result in a program being run on the server.

7. Client-side storage – A client request can result in a file being stored on the server.

8. Client-side authentication – A client request can result in a user logging into a local system, gaining access to files on that system, and gaining access to other resources on the network as well.

9. Client-side networking – A client request can result in an Internet connection between two hosts being established over the network, or it can be used for other purposes, such as sending e-mail messages across the network to another host or establishing an Internet connection between two hosts to allow clients to share a printer or send files over the network.

10. Client-side security – Clients can use encryption protocols and secure sockets layer (SSL) to protect transmissions across networks and servers from eavesdropping and tampering by unauthorized users or attackers.

How Does The Server Handle Requests For Service?

1. Server-side processing – The server performs tasks on behalf of a client, such as compiling source code.

2. Server-side storage – A server is often used to store files that are accessed by clients.

3. Server-side authentication – Servers authenticate users and allow them to access resources on the network.

4. Server-side networking – Servers act as routers for network connections, routing packets between two or more hosts on the network.

5. Server-side security – Servers protect against unauthorized access and malicious attacks by filtering packets and controlling access to resources on the network from inside and outside the firewall.

6. Client-side processing – The client requests services from the server using a protocol, such as HTTP or FTP. The server then processes the request using an application program interface (API).

7. Client-side storage – A client request may result in files being stored on the server in response to an HTTP request for content, such as a web page or an HTML file containing graphics or other information (HTML is one kind of markup language).

8. Client-side authentication – A client request may result in a user being logged into a local system and gaining access to files on that system; this is accomplished with a login service running on the local system (such as Kerberos ). In some cases, it can also be accomplished by providing credentials generated by an identity service on the local system (such as Kerberos ) or by using a secure socket layer (SSL) connection to authenticate the client.

9. Client-side networking – A client request may result in a local system being connected to another computer on the network through a TCP/IP connection.

10. Client-side security – A client request can be encrypted using SSL, which prevents eavesdropping and tampering by unauthorized users or attackers from outside the network.


The computer is a complicated system with many parts that all work together. This means that it is difficult to understand and navigate. In order to make any progress, you need to know what you are doing. To use a computer, you have to have an interface with a client and the software that is running on the server. If a client wants to use the computer, the client will send a request for service to the server. The server will then handle the request for service and provide a response. The client will then use this response to carry on with their work.

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