It’s funny how something so simple can give you so many troubles. A computer, like a phone, requires routine maintenance and upkeep. One of the most common problems that many people have with their computers is updating them. Unfortunately, this is also one of the more difficult things to do. There are several reasons for this, all of which are important to understand before you can update your phone. Here are some important tips for updating an iPhone 6 to iOS 13.
How to Update an iPhone 6 to iOS 13?
1. Make sure that you have an internet connection.
2. Make sure that your device is up to date. Go to Settings > General > Software Update and make sure that the ‘Check my software version’ option is turned on.
3. Check whether you have the latest version of iTunes installed – it should be 11.1 or higher, depending on which version of Mac OS X you use, or if you are running Windows, 7, or 8.
4. Plug your iPhone 6 into a power source and wait for it to charge for about 30 minutes before beginning the update process – this will prevent any problems with devices not turning off properly during the update process and also saves battery life.
5. Make sure that your computer has iTunes installed – in Mac OS X, go to Applications > Utilities > iTunes; in Windows, go to Start > Control Panel > System and Security > System – click on “Change PC settings” and then select “Change”. Click ‘Keep my files and locate the folder where your iTunes library is stored on your hard drive (usually C:\Users\[Your User Name]\Music).
6. Launch iTunes and check whether there are any updates available for your iPhone 6 – if so, click ‘Check for Updates. If not then go back into Settings > General > Software Update again and choose ‘Check for Updates. When available, the update process will start automatically; otherwise, you will be prompted to download it manually (in this case be prepared to wait up to a few hours).
7. Once the update is complete, reboot your device by holding the Power button down for a couple of seconds.
8. Go back into Settings > General > Software Update and choose ‘Check for Updates. You will be prompted to download again – this time it will take less than an hour, but can take longer if you have a slow internet connection.
9. After installation, go through the setup process once more to set up your iPhone 6 as new again
10. If you want to downgrade back to iOS 12 then do not go through steps 5-9 again; instead, in iTunes go to Applications > Utilities > iTunes and click on ‘Update iPhone Software’ and then follow the instructions on the screen – in Mac OS X machines this is done by going into Applications > Utilities > iTunes; in Windows machines, by going into Start > Control Panel > System and Security > System – click on ‘Change PC settings and then select ‘Change’.
What Do You Need To Know Before Updating?
1. Make sure you have enough storage space on your device – you can find out how much storage is available to you by going into Settings > General > Usage and clicking on ‘Storage’. If you do not have enough free space, then go back into Settings > General > Software Update and choose ‘Check for Updates’ again – this time it will take less than an hour, but can take longer if you have a slow internet connection (it should only take around 15 minutes).
2. Make sure your device is fully charged before starting the update process; if it is not, then try charging it up fully first before starting the download again (this step is essential).
3. If you get stuck at a certain point during the update process, then restart your device by holding down the ‘Home’ button until you see the Apple logo appear (this will reboot your device and clear out any temporary files that might be causing problems).
Common problems that can occur during the update process
1. The update process will not start.
2. The update process will stall at a certain point and eventually fail.
3. You may receive error messages stating that the update process has been interrupted or failed in some way.
4. You may experience issues with your battery as the device tries to recover from the update process; this is normal, but if you are experiencing any other problems with your battery.
Benefits of iOS 13
1. iOS 13 will make your iPhone more secure, as it will have a number of new features that are designed to protect you from hackers.
2. It will also include some handy apps and features, including a cool new ‘Do Not Disturb While Driving feature that allows you to set your phone to automatically mute all notifications while you are driving (this is great for keeping your phone away from your hands when in use).
3. The update will also see the introduction of Apple’s ARKit 2, which is a new version of the app that allows developers to create augmented reality (AR) apps on iOS devices – this will be great for creating some amazing games!
4. There is also likely to be an improved performance with the update, as Apple says it has ‘made many improvements across the system’.
Whether you’re a new iPhone 6 owner or are just now getting on board with the latest and greatest technology, updating your device can be a confusing and difficult process. Luckily, you don’t have to worry about it all on your own. There are plenty of easy-to-follow guides online that can help you get the job done, but some of them are for advanced users. If you’re a beginner, this article is for you!
How long does iOS 13 take?
It should take around an hour or so for the update process to complete and for everything to work properly once you reboot your iPhone or iPad – although if you have problems then restarting may help clear up any issues that might be causing problems with the update process.
What else can I do during the download?
If iTunes doesn’t start automatically when updating, then try going into Settings > General > Software Update and choosing ‘Check Now’. If this doesn’t work either, then try again after rebooting by holding down ‘Home’ until you see the Apple logo, then select ‘Restart’.