Taking a screenshot on a laptop is a great way to capture an image of something you see on the screen, such as a diagram, website, or video. Screenshots are also helpful if you want to show someone how to get somewhere in a program or document without having to give them access to your computer. Taking a screenshot on a ThinkPad laptop is easy once you know where all the options are. Let’s take a look at what you can do and how you can take screenshots on these computers.
How To Take A Screenshot On A Thinkpad Computer.
- Press and hold the Shift key on the keyboard.
- Press the Print Screen button or ScrLk button on your computer.
- Release both keys when you see an image appear on your screen, like this:
- You can save the image to your computer’s hard disk drive, or you can copy it to a file folder by pressing Ctrl+V on your keyboard and then pressing Enter.
- To edit or remove a screenshot from your computer, press Ctrl+A on your keyboard, and then press Delete (or Backspace) when you see an image like this:
- If you want to take more than one screenshot in succession (like A picture of my daughter), press Alt+Print Screen repeatedly until you see an image like this:
- After taking multiple screenshots of something, press Ctrl+C on your keyboard to copy them all at once into a folder called “Screenshots” in Windows Explorer (Windows 8/10). You can also create folders for other things that you want to keep handy such as “Photos” or “Documents”.
Using The Windows Key And Arrow Buttons To Take Screenshots
- Press the Windows key and the Arrow Up button on your computer to take a screenshot of your whole screen.
- Press the Windows key + X on your keyboard to take a screenshot of an element on your screen. For example, if you press Window+X, you can select an icon or picture that is displayed on the screen and take a screenshot of it. The same method works for other elements such as documents, websites, or software applications too.
- Press the Windows key + C to copy all the screenshots in one folder with one “paste” command from inside that folder: Windows key + V > Paste > Click Copy (or press Ctrl+V). You can paste it into Paint, WordPad, or other programs to save them as images or text files too.
- Use Shift + Alt+Print Screen / Ctrl+Alt+Print Screen to take multiple screenshots at once: Shift + Print Screen / Ctrl Printscreen > Options > Save Multiple Screenshots In Windows 10, or older versions of the PC operating system: Simply click on the Start menu, choose “Command Prompt” (or “Power Shell”) type in “prints”, hit enter, and continue with step 5 above To edit/delete screenshots in this folder go to the location where you saved them (examples “C:\Windows\Pictures\screenshots”) using the context menu for each file and select it from there. Or you can use the search bar by typing “Find” for the screenshot text and then pressing “Find Next” or “Find Previous” to navigate through the screenshot folder until you find it.
- Using a third-party program like SnagIt to take screenshots. Snagit is a free and easy-to-use screen capture application for Windows which can be used to capture current active windows or regions on your screen and save them in an image (JPG, PNG, or GIF) file. You can also create multiple screenshots of different windows in one video file. After saving the video you must use Windows Explorer, locate the folder with all your images, right-click on it and select ‘Open With’ > “Snagit”. Then you will be able to edit/delete the screenshot in that location.
- Snagit Screenshot Pro is an enhanced version of Snagit that allows you to capture multiple windows in one image and provides additional editing tools such as cropping an image ( crop), scaling it down into a thumbnail image (scale), rotating it making a wider view (spin/Zoom In ()), annotating it with text, shapes, and arrows – drag-and-drop them around the screen, apply special effects like blur & sharpen (), change the transparency of an image (), add music/sound & animations, etc., auto-save captured images regularly at the specific interval for backup purposes.
Take A Screenshot Of Just A Window Or Program.
- Click the Windows Logo and press the key.
- Press Print Screen: under the 3 methods print a new page. Then Delete it
- Some less popular keys are – Windows Logo + PrtScr + <space> (PrtScr + Ctrl Scr + “”) 1, 2 and 3 above can all be changed using the Admin tool, see next section below.
- If you would like to save your file, save it to your Desktop or another folder, or submit it to free mixing services like Photobucket or open drive.
- For later use, use a variety of import methods to preserve integrity, especially if the file doesn’t look good yet. There are 2 ways to do this – Snipping tool or digitally converting import. Snipping Tool takes small sections of screenshots, keep them as small images in Windows, and can open it using an image icon on your desktop or file explorer. Or drag the PNG or JPG into the Windows folder – “C:\Users\Public\Pictures” – (Windows + E / M) 1, then drop it onto a white sheet of paper in front of your screen and use a photocopier to scan images from your screen onto this sheet. Another means of scanning is by the cd-from scanner. Snagit.com Screenshot windows: 1W2G offers a free online custom picture maker and allows you to take screenshots which will get saved directly into SMS along with many other photographic features such as actual albums etc.Opentrük examples: For example, Lockscreen Power Cursors LockScreenPowerCursors Download and install capture this for your windows.
Taking a screenshot on a laptop is a quick and easy way to capture information and images from programs and websites that you see on your screen. You can take a screenshot on any laptop by using the keyboard shortcuts, or by using the Windows 10 screenshot tool. The screenshot tool is only available on computers running Windows 10, so if you’re using a computer running Windows 7, 8, or 8.1, you’ll need to use the keyboard shortcuts. Taking a screenshot on your laptop is a great way to save important pieces of information, and it’s easy to do once you know how.