How To Stop Airpods From Reading Texts – The Easy Way

by John Sanderson
How To Stop Airpods From Reading Texts

If you’re like most people, you probably spend a lot of time reading text on your phone. But when you want to read a text but don’t want to drop the phone, you can try AirPods. AirPods are designed to listen to and read text while you’re talking on your phone, so they won’t interfere with your conversation. However, if you use AirPods while someone is also trying to listen to a conversation on their phone, they might be able to hear what you’re saying and not understand what you’re saying. To prevent AirPods from reading text, just set up a rule in your phone that forbids people from using AirPods while they are trying to listen to a conversation on their phone. You can also try setting up speaker preferences so that only people who have the device can hear the conversation.

How To Stop Airpods From Reading Texts

  • Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
  • Tap Messages.
  • Scroll to the “Additional AirPod Features” section and tap the “AirPods” slider button to turn it off.
  • If you want, enable “Ask Before Playing” so that you can control when AirPods will read text messages aloud to you while you’re not using them.
  • Tap and hold down the AirPods button on your iPhone or iPad until a pop-up menu appears and tap “Turn Off.”

How to Use AirPods to Read Texts

  • Open the Messages app on your iPhone or iPad.
  • Tap the “Send” button in the upper-right corner.
  • Tap “Add New Message.”
  • Tap the microphone icon and begin typing.
  • When you’re finished writing, tap “Send” to send your message to the person who sent you a text message while they are trying to listen to a conversation on their phone with AirPods nearby.

What Can You Do If Airpods Are Reading Text?

  1. If you’re wearing AirPods and someone is trying to listen to a conversation on their phone, tap the AirPods button on your iPhone or iPad until a pop-up menu appears and tap “Turn Off.”
  2. If you’re wearing AirPods and someone is trying to listen to a conversation on their phone with other people in the room, try setting up speaker preferences so that only people with your device can hear conversations.
  3. If you’re not wearing AirPods or if they don’t have the feature turned off, ask the person who is trying to listen to a conversation on their phone also try setting up speaker preferences so that only people with your device can hear conversations.
  4. You can also try setting up speaker preferences so that only people who have the device can hear the conversation. To do this, launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. Tap “Messages” and then tap the “Additional AirPod Features” section. Tap the “AirPods” slider button to turn it off.
  5. If you want, enable “Ask Before Playing” so that you can control when AirPods will read text messages aloud to you while you’re not using them.
  6. If you want, enable “Ask Before Playing” so that you can control when AirPods will read text messages aloud to you while you’re not using them. To do this, launch the Messages app on your iPhone or iPad and tap the Settings icon at the bottom of the screen. Tap “Additional AirPod Features” and then tap “Ask Before Playing.”

Benefits Of Using Airpods:

1. Airpods are wireless. They don’t need to be charged, which means you can use them anywhere you go.

2. Airpods have a range of about 30 feet so you won’t be bothered by other people’s conversations when you’re not wearing them.

3. Airpods are easy to use and comfortable to wear because they’re designed to fit snugly in your ears.

4. Airpods will stay connected to your iPhone or iPad even if they aren’t in range of each other (wearing them on opposite sides), so they won’t stop working while they’re apart from each other like traditional Bluetooth headphones do.

5. When using AirPods, all the sound and audio controls are right at your fingertips with the touch of a finger on the left side of the case (while wearing AirPods) or by pressing the control button on your iPhone or iPad (while not wearing AirPods).

6. If you need more privacy when using your phone or tablet, try taking off one earbud so that only one earbud is left connected to your device at a time for private listening and talking or try taking off both earbuds at once for an immersive listening experience with no sound coming out of anyone else’s ears nearby.

7. If you use AirPods with an Apple Watch, you can control playback and take calls right from your wrist.

Cons of Airpods:

1. As they are wireless, they need to be within Bluetooth range of each other in order to work. This means that you can’t use them while on a plane or somewhere without a Wi-Fi signal.

2. They are expensive at $159 and up for the pair, but also have a one-year warranty from Apple so if there is an issue with them, Apple will fix it for you free of charge.

3. They aren’t designed to stay in your ear when you’re not using them so if you run out of battery life and need to recharge them, you’ll need to put them back in your ears (or put them back in their case). This means that they’ll be out of your ears for a few seconds when you need to put them back in, which is annoying.

4. They’re not waterproof so they don’t work well in the rain or while swimming or doing anything that might get them wet. And if you forget to put them back into their case before putting them back up in your ears, they could get lost and break at any time.


AirPods are a great gadget to have for listening to music, making phone calls, and taking notes. They’re easy to use and comfortable to wear because they’re designed to fit snugly in your ears. AirPods have a range of about 30 feet so you’ll be able to listen without being bothered by other people’s conversations. AirPods are easy to use and comfortable to wear because they’re designed to fit snugly in your ears.


Question: Can I use AirPods with my iPhone 7 Plus?

Answer: Yes, you can use AirPods with your iPhone 7 Plus.

Question: What if the AirPods are not connected to my iPhone?

Answer: If the AirPods are not connected to your iPhone, then you will hear a chime sound on your iPhone. This means that the Bluetooth connection between your device and the AirPods is not established. Please make sure that you have paired them properly before using them for the first time. Please refer to Apple’s instructions for pairing instructions.

Question: Can I use my existing wireless headphones with AirPods?

Answer: No, you cannot use existing wireless headphones with AirPods. You must first pair them with your iPhone or iPad before using them. If you do not pair any devices, there will be no sound from any other Bluetooth devices when using them (including other Bluetooth headphones).

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