Have you ever been in the middle of a TikTok and needed to save it so you could finish it later? Maybe you had to go somewhere, or your phone ran out of battery. Well, in this blog post, we will show you how to save a draft of your TikTok so that you can finish it later!
How To Save A Tiktok Draft To Camera Roll?
1. Screenshots
Screenshots are one of the quickest methods out there for saving clips from any platform. Simply open up your video and tap and hold on the screen for half a second and it will take a screenshot of whatever is currently playing! This method does not allow you to edit or crop however so it’s best to use it when you need a quick screenshot of something.
2. TikTok’s “Library”
If you’re looking for a different method that can allow you to edit and crop your videos, check out TikTok’s in-app library! The library is a simple menu option in the bottom corner of the screen where all of your previously saved videos will be stored for later viewing. You cannot delete or change the order of content in your library which means this feature does not have much functionality beyond being a way to save content from TikTok without screenshots, but regardless it is still a very helpful tool if you want to watch an old TikTok again when there are no internet or signal bars available to view one directly from social media platforms!
3. TikTok’s “Share” Feature
The share feature is a quick way to save content from TikTok into the camera roll with the opportunity for editing and cropping after! To begin, open up your timeline and find a video that you would like to save. After opening it, swipe left on the screen which will reveal a menu with a number of options including one that says “share.” Tapping this will bring up other social media platforms that you can send the video to such as Instagram or Facebook. If you want to edit or crop your video simply tap on either option when it begins playing in other applications outside of TikTok just like screenshots do! Note that unlike screenshots, however, videos shared through TikTok will not play automatically on other applications outside of the app.
4. TikTok’s “Save to Camera Roll” Feature
TikTok recently added a brand new feature that allows you to save your videos directly to your camera roll! This is super helpful since you can edit and crop your content before sending it out on other social media platforms. To do this, simply go into an existing video and click the three vertical dots in the top corner of the screen which will lead you to additional settings such as “add music.” From here there should be an option that says “save to my camera roll!” Clicking on this will allow you to download and edit your content the same way screenshots would! Note that unlike screenshots or saved clips from TikTok’s library, videos that are saved to the camera roll will start playing automatically in other applications once they have been downloaded!
5. TikTok’s “Export” Feature
The final way you can save your content from TikTok is through the use of the app’s export feature which allows you to download lengthy video sequences or choose specific moments from a video to send out on other social media platforms. To use this method, open up a video and click the three dots in the top right-hand corner of your screen which will lead you to additional settings. Scroll down until you see an option that says “export” and clicking on this will allow you to select different portions of a video if it’s too long for one viewing. You also have the choice to save the video as a . MOV file which can be saved and edited similarly to show screenshots or videos from TikTok’s library work!
How To Use Drafts If You’re A Creator Or If You Just Want To Save Videos For Later
1. Drafts Folder
For when you want to save something for later, but don’t think it’s blog-worthy or worth sharing yet. You can find this option under your saved drafts.
2. New Post
This one is an easy way of drafting up posts in preparation for when they’re actually necessary. Once you’re done writing them, you can go back and publish them whenever the time comes (such as finishing an article early in the morning and publishing it that same evening).
3. New Video
This way is for vloggers who are usually making videos in advance to publish later. These are usually made on a daily basis but can be made weekly or monthly as well.
4. Feedburner Auto Publish
If you have an RSS feed hosted with FeedBurner, this option will allow you to make posts and videos automatically pushed to your RSS feed whenever you post/upload something new onto Pastebin without actually having to access Feedburner itself. Basically, it takes the draft of your post/video and publishes it once it’s done upload (this requires the “Publish Service” addon found under Extras -> Addons).
5. Aweber Email
This is the only one I don’t use, but it’s still pretty neat, especially for bloggers who want to auto-post to YouTube and their email list. Basically, you can set up a draft for an email post and have it automatically sent out whenever you create/upload something new onto Pastebin.
Tips For Creating Great Drafts
1. What will your content be about?
When you start, it’s important to think about what the article will cover and it’s topic. This is so you can get a good idea of what your target audience wants or needs to know. If you’re not sure yet, write down 2-3 paragraphs that describe the main points of your piece and then use them as an outline for when you actually begin writing.
2. Understand who your reader is.
Build up a profile of who your audience is and keep this in mind at all times while writing your blog post (if not throughout the entire blogging process). Think about things like How much do they already know about the topic? Are there any other common misconceptions or obstacles they face? How much time do they have to spare for this article? What do they want to get out of it, in terms of learning something or in terms of entertainment value?
3. Build up your draft paragraph-by-paragraph.
Don’t just write the first thing that comes into your head and then try to fix it later; you won’t end up with very good writing if you take this approach. Instead, sit down, take a deep breath, and think about what exactly you need to say in each section of your blog post before you start writing. For example: when talking about the launch window (the period during which you make an announcement), don’t just jot down “This is where I’ll put my announcement.” Instead, think about what makes a good launch window. If you decide that it should include some sort of preparation beforehand, what kind of preparation will be appropriate?
4. What’s your call to action?
Having a clear idea of what you want your reader to do after they have finished reading the article is critical for maximizing engagement and building up an audience. This doesn’t just mean writing “leave a comment” at the end of every single piece of content; instead, try to focus on providing information or resources for them to take action with whenever possible (such as including links or embeddable media).
5. Proofread your draft before publication.
This step seems obvious but often gets overlooked in favor of editing, which is much more time-consuming. The best way to iron out any errors before your post goes live is by reading it aloud to yourself or someone else – this will highlight any mistakes such as typos and grammatical errors (most of the time). If you find that you need a little more help with checking your draft for errors, consider trying some online services like Grammarly.