How To Put Battery Percentage On iPhone 5 – Easy Tricks‍

by John Sanderson
How To Put Battery Percentage On iPhone 5

For many people, battery life is one of the most important factors when choosing a new smartphone. New features and apps are great, but if your phone runs out of juice in a few hours it’s not much good. If you find yourself constantly worrying about the battery life on your iPhone 5, this article will help you out. In this article, we’ll teach you different ways to check your battery percentage on iPhone 5, as well as show you some awesome tricks that make it even easier to see how much juice is left in your phone.

How To Put Battery Percentage On iPhone 5?

  • iPhone 5 users are always in search of a way to know the battery condition of their iPhones. The default battery indicator on iPhone 5 is not really that useful when it comes to knowing the battery status. However, there are several ways in which we can look at the current battery status of our iPhones.
  • The first and most obvious method is to go through the settings menu on your iPhone. This will give you an option to view the remaining battery life on your device, but this does not give you much information about how much power your phone has left. The best way to check whether your phone has enough power left or not is by checking through the iOS Settings app with Battery Percentage On/Off toggle switched off. If you switch it on, you will be able to see how much charge is left on your phone.
  • You can also check for other apps that are draining down your iPhone’s battery without switching on the Battery Percentage option itself. Apple’s iOS allows us to view these apps by going through Settings > General > Usage > Battery Usage:
  • This shows all running processes that are using up all available processor time and memory resources as well as a percentage indication of their usage. As these processes run at different speeds and thus use different amounts of time and memory, they show up with a percentage figure ranging from 0% (not running) up to 100%. If one application takes up more than 50% of processor time and memory resources, it will show up as a 100% figure.
  • If you are experiencing battery problems on your iPhone, Apple recommends you use the Battery Percentage option to check the remaining charge of your battery.

Change The Settings To Show The Battery Percentage

1. Tap the Settings icon from the Home screen or from the main page of your iPhone.

2. Tap on General in the Settings menu.

3. Tap on Usage in the General settings page and then tap on Battery Percentage to turn it on, if not already turned on.

4. When you are done, tap on Done to save and exit out of this page.

5. When you are back to the Home screen, you will see a percentage indicator at the top right corner of your iPhone’s screen which shows how much battery power your device has left at that time:

6. You can also see the remaining battery life on your iPhone by going through Settings > General > Usage > Battery Usage.

7. If the percentage is not showing up, you can verify if you have enabled this feature by going through Settings > General > Usage > Battery Usage, and then swiping down to see if the battery percentage option is available.

8. If it is not showing up, go through Settings and then tap on General and then tap on Usage to verify if you have enabled this feature.

You can also check for other apps that are draining down your iPhone’s battery without switching on the Battery Percentage option itself. Apple’s iOS allows us to view these apps by going through Settings > General > Usage > Battery Usage:

Use The Notification Center

  • Open the Notification Center by swiping down from the top of the screen. You will see a message with the percentage remaining.
  • This is also a quick way to check whether your phone is fully charged or not.
  • If you are using an iPhone 4, this option is not available on your device, but you can set it up manually in Settings > Notifications > Show Battery Percentage on Lock Screen:
  • The last option is to use an app like Battery Percentage Pro to get more information about the battery percentage of your device.
  • This is a free app that lets you see the percentage remaining of your battery in a very easy way.
  • Use the Battery Percentage option to check whether your iPhone is fully charged or not.
  • If the percentage is less than 50%, you can use this app to increase the battery life of your device by up to 30%.
  • To do so, download and install Battery Percentage Pro on your device, then set up a shortcut on your home screen.
  • After installing it, open Battery Percentage Pro, set up a shortcut, and then go back to the home screen and you will see that it shows the battery percentage of your device with percentage as well as time remaining in hours and minutes respectively:
  • This app is a powerful tool that shows the percentage of battery life remaining in a very easy way.

Add An Extension In The Battery Section

  1. Open the Settings App.
  2. Scroll down and tap on the Battery icon.
  3. Tap on the Notification Center option to open the Notification Center section in Settings.
  4. Tap on the Add button at the bottom of the Notification Center screen to add an app (or an extension) to view in Notification Center when your iPhone is plugged into a power source and charging. The new app or extension will show up with a battery percentage indicator that tells you how much power your phone has left, as well as when it will be fully charged again (green).
  5. To remove an app from Notification Center, tap on the red – button in the top right corner of the screen.


Your battery life will always be a concern for smartphone users. Thankfully, you can always check your battery percentage to see how much power your phone has left. If you’re having trouble checking your battery percentage on iPhone 5, use the tips in this article to help you out. These tips will show you how to check the percentage and how to change the settings so that it’s displayed all the time. With these tips, you’ll always know how much power is left on your phone.

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