Do you know that there is a way to forget your AirPods on Mac? Most users have complained about losing their AirPods. The wireless earbuds are super tiny and can easily slip out of the ears, especially during workouts. This small size also makes them prone to getting misplaced anywhere. Whether you have recently purchased a new Mac or an older model, you can forget your AirPods on it. This article will let you know how to do so in simple steps. Let us get started!
How to Forget AirPods on Mac?
You can forget your AirPods on Mac using a special process. Just follow these easy steps: First of all, open the Bluetooth settings on your Mac. This can be done by clicking on the Bluetooth icon at the top menu bar. Now, select the “Other Devices” tab at the bottom of the screen. This will display a list of devices connected to your Mac. Select your AirPods from the list. You can differentiate them from other Bluetooth devices by the “i” icon next to them. Once you have selected your AirPods, click on the “Forget This Device” button. You can also click on the “X” button to the right of the device.
Step By Step To Forget Your AirPods on Mac
Open the Bluetooth settings on your Mac
You can forget your AirPods on Mac by following these steps: Open the Bluetooth settings on your Mac. This can be done by clicking on the Bluetooth icon at the top menu bar. Now, select the “Other Devices” tab at the bottom of the screen. This will display a list of devices connected to your Mac. Select your AirPods from the list. You can differentiate them from other Bluetooth devices by the “i” icon next to them. Once you have selected your AirPods, click on the “Forget This Device” button. You can also click on the “X” button to the right of the device.
Forget Your AirPods
After you have clicked on Forget this device or X, you will see a message saying that you are about to forget this device and it will take 30 seconds for it to forget it completely and then disappear from the My Devices list as well from available devices list in Bluetooth settings. After that, it will no longer appear in the available devices list in Bluetooth settings or the My Devices tab either after rebooting or restarting your computer and if you try to connect again, you’ll get a message saying that “This device is already paired”. To verify whether they are actually forgotten or not simply try connecting them again but they won’t work anymore so they’re really forgotten!
Repair Your AirPods with Your Mac
If you have forgotten AirPods on Mac and still want to pair them with your Mac again, follow these steps.
Verify that your Mac has Bluetooth
If you have forgotten your AirPods on Mac and want to pair them with your Mac again, you should first verify whether your Mac has Bluetooth. If it does not have a built-in Bluetooth feature and you bought a new MacBook Air or MacBook Pro with an integrated Touch ID or Apple Pay, then you cannot pair the AirPods with your Mac as they are not compatible. To check if your MacBook has Bluetooth go to System Preferences > Bluetooth and look for “AirPods” in the devices list.
Enable Pairing Mode on your MacBook
To enable pairing mode on your MacBook, follow these steps: Click on the Apple icon in the upper right corner of the screen (the one with the white silhouette of an apple) and select “System Preferences”. This will open the System Preferences window where you should click on the “Bluetooth” button in the left-side panel. On the right side of this window, click on the “Turn on pairing mode” button. Once this is done, it will ask for verification that you have forgotten AirPods by asking for a password which will only be shown to you if it needs to be verified that it’s really forgotten! Now proceed to step 3 below if you wish to forget them again!
Why Should You Forget Your AirPods On Mac?
1. You can forget your AirPods on Mac to avoid losing them.
2. You can forget your AirPods on Mac if you want to move it to another device.
3. You can forget your AirPods on Mac if you want to change the Bluetooth connection settings.
4. You can forget your AirPods on Mac if you want to keep the devices secure from prying eyes.
5. You can forget your AirPods on Mac if you have forgotten the PIN code for the device connection settings.
6. You can forget your AirPods on Mac when restarting or shutting down the computer and don’t want any files from it synced with iCloud or iTunes cloud storage services saved in the “Documents and Data” folder of Apple ID. In this case, make sure that all files are deleted from iCloud storage space before restarting or shutting down the computer so that no files are synced with iCloud upon reboot/shutdown of the computer.
7. You can also forget your AirPods on Mac after deleting them manually from the settings menu of your Apple ID account by choosing the “Forget this device” option in Settings >> General >> Bluetooth >> Other Devices tab (see below). To do so, click on the “X” button next to each of these devices: iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Apple Watch. If there are other devices that have been added recently, check their respective names in the “Other Devices” tab.
8. You can also forget your AirPods on Mac after deleting them from the Bluetooth settings menu of macOS by choosing the “Forget This Device” option in System Preferences >> Bluetooth >> Other Devices tab (see below). Click on the “X” button next to each of these devices: iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Apple Watch .
9. You can also forget your AirPods on Mac after deleting them from the Settings menu of the iCloud account by choosing the “Forget This Device” option in iCloud >> Storage & Backup >> Manage Storage section (see below). Click on the “X” button next to each of these devices: iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Apple Watch.
10. You can also forget your AirPods on Mac after deleting them from iTunes by choosing the “Forget This Device” option in iTunes >> Preferences > Devices tab (see below) . Click on the “X” button next to each of these devices: iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Apple Watch.
If you own an AirPods, you may have experienced how easy it is to lose them. The small earbuds can easily slip out of your ears, and being wireless, there is no cord to tug on and help you find them. On top of that, they’re super tiny and can easily get lost in your house, car, office, or anywhere else. You can forget your AirPods on Mac using a special process. The steps are easy and once you have followed them, you can forget your AirPods and rest assured that they won’t accidentally connect to your Mac again.