How To Add Music To Your Instagram Story: All You Need To Know!

by John Sanderson
How To Add Music To Your Instagram Story

Do you love adding music to your Instagram Stories? If so, this blog post is for you! In this post, we will walk you through how to add music to your Instagram Story. We will also provide tips on how to find the perfect song for your story. So, whether you are a beginner or an expert at adding music to Instagram Stories, this blog post has something for everyone!

How To Add Music To Your Instagram Story?

1. Go on your “My Story” and swipe up at any video in your feed or stories. You can then select a song from the songs that appear at the bottom of the screen and upload it with ease.

2. Instead of swiping up when you find a song in your feed or stories, click on the three dots under it and choose “Add Music”. Again, you will be able to select one of the songs presented

3. A third way is by adding music from your library or Spotify

4. Another option is using apps such as Hyperlapse or Boomerang, which allow you to add music after the video has been recorded

5. You can upload your own music file too! Just open your story, press the “…” symbol next to the volume bar and choose ‘My Music’. However, keep in mind that this option will only work if you have enough storage space left on your phone.

How To Choose The Right Song For Your Instagram Story

1. Music

The right music can make everything even better! That’s why I recommend choosing some epic background music for your story. It will help you tell the story better and will keep people engaged longer. If possible choose one song which has a great rhythm and goes well with visuals.

2. Filters

Instagram stories are a great way to show your audience how you see the world. Sometimes, the filter makes all the difference! There are lots of really cool filters out there with different colors and effects. Try using them for your story background to make it more appealing.

3. Texts

Telling a simple story is very effective on Instagram stories, but sometimes people want to share something more complex. That’s why text overlay is an excellent choice if you must include some additional information in your story. You can write anything you need – quotes, announcements, or even create some text art! It works best with only one word because too much text may decrease its appeal and look like spammy advertising at the end.

4. Polls

I have seen lots of people posting polls in their stories! It’s a really great option because all your viewers can vote for it and give you some valuable feedback. Everyone likes to know that others share the same opinion about something, so this feature will definitely bring more engagement to your story! You can also ask questions directly related to your brand/business – I’m sure people are dying to give you an answer!

5. Emojis

Last but not least, emojis are perfect when it comes to telling stories on Instagram because they increase engagement when used correctly. I recommend using them when someone asks how you feel (for example: “How do you like this filter?”). Emojis are not cheesy and it’s obvious that other people feel the same way, so this combo will definitely make your story look awesome!

How To Edit The Music Sticker In Your Story?

1. Pick a Song

Choose any one song from your phone’s library or scratch that, why limit it to music only? You can select memes( most people are using that nowadays), weather, your location, etc.

2. Add Effects

It’s pretty good to keep effects minimum as they can obstruct the view of a picture or a video that is being posted on Instagram stories from time to time. As said earlier it is highly recommended not to go overboard with music stickers.

3. Post Your Story

Like most other things in this world, sharing has become omnipresent. Instagram has made sharing our ideas with friends and family even more enjoyable by making them available 24/7! So share away & have fun! 🙂

4. Make The Most Of It

Don’t just use the story sticker for one song but try out different combinations of songs and stickers to see what works the best for you! Experimenting is good so, don’t stick to one type of song or one kind of sticker while making Instagram stories. Also, keep in mind that any changes/edits made on a sticker will be applicable to all your Stories and not just one. If you change the effects on a music sticker, it will automatically update on other Stories where this music sticker has been used.

5. Shuffle All You Want

It would be interesting to use different stickers with their effects but before that shuffle through them all by using the option displayed below each individual sticker! That’s how you can get rid of boredom 😉

How To Add Music Lyrics To Your Story

1. Pick a song and download the lyrics

First, pick your favorite song and save it on your computer. Next, open the file with a notepad to get all of the lyrics out of it. In case you don’t have software that allows this, try using online generators which take songs’ names as their parameters for generating music lyrics.

2. Formatting

Every word must be written in capital letters except for small words such as ‘I’m’ or ‘the’.

3. Clipboard manipulation

Now copy all of the generated lyrics and paste them into your story. Make sure to put each generated sentence on a new line for easier reading, and repeat step 2.

4. Spacing

Delete all of the empty lines between sentences (and keep the spaces).

You’re done! Congrats! Now you can continue writing your story, as usual, making sure that every sentence is not too long and is easy to read.


How to add music to Instagram stories is one of the more popular questions we get. And it’s no wonder why adding music to your stories can make them that much more engaging and fun. So, how do you do it? Keep reading for a step-by-step guide on how to add music to your Instagram stories. Have you tried adding music to your stories yet? What type of music did you choose?


How can I make my Instagram stories more interesting?

There are a few ways to make your Instagram stories more interesting. One way is to use creative tools like stickers and filters. You can also add text or drawings to your stories. Another way to make your stories more interesting is by including short videos or GIFs. Finally, you can also ask questions in your stories and encourage your followers to respond.

What are the best tools for adding music to your Instagram stories?

There are a few different ways to add music to your Instagram stories. One way is to find a song on YouTube and then use the website’s built-in tools to create a story that includes the song. Another way is to use an app like, which has a library of songs that you can choose from and add to your stories.

Can I add music from my phone to my Instagram stories?

Yes! To add music from your phone to your Instagram stories, first, open the music app on your phone and find the song you want to use. Once you’ve found the song, play it and then swipe up from the bottom of the screen to see your Control Center. From there, tap on the three circles in the top right corner of your Control Center and select “Screen Recording.”

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