Everyone has that one friend who constantly posts about their new boyfriend, the cousin they don’t really like, or their old high school nemesis. And while Instagram is supposed to be a place for photos of your life, not just pictures of other people living their lives. As an avid Instagram user, it can get pretty tiring having to see so many posts from the same people on a daily basis. If you want to keep your photo album from being cluttered with meaningless posts from people who bug you, you can hide their posts from appearing on your profile. This article will show you how to do that and more.
Can you hide posts from people on Instagram?
You can hide people on Instagram from your feed with a couple of easy steps. First, tap on the person you want to hide, then tap on the three dots in the upper right corner, then tap on the hiding person. You can unhide them at any time by tapping on their name and hitting the three dots again.
How to Hide Posts From People on Instagram
- Go to your profile.
- Click the three dots in the top right corner of your screen.
- Select “Edit Profile” from the dropdown menu.
- Scroll down until you see “Privacy” at the bottom of your screen and click on it.
- Scroll down to find “Hide Posts From People” and select it by clicking on it with your mouse or by tapping on it with your finger on a mobile device.
- A pop-up window will appear asking you if you want to hide posts from certain people, select “Yes” if you want to hide posts from certain people or select “No” if you want to keep their posts visible on your feed.
- Click on the blue tick box at the bottom of the page and confirm that you want to hide posts from certain people by selecting “Yes” in the pop-up window that will appear afterward or selecting “No” if you don’t want to hide posts from certain people.
- Your posts will now no longer appear on their profiles and you can now choose to unfollow them or not.
How to Hide Specific Users’ Posts on Instagram.
- Go to your profile.
- Click the three dots in the top right corner of your screen.
- Select “Edit Profile” from the dropdown menu.
- Scroll down until you see “Privacy” at the bottom of your screen and click on it.
- Scroll down to find “Hide Posts From People” and select it by clicking on it with your mouse or by tapping on it with your finger on a mobile device.
- A pop-up window will appear asking you if you want to hide posts from certain people, select “Yes” if you want to hide posts from certain people or select “No” if you don’t want to hide posts from certain people.
- Select “Hide Posts From People” that you wish to no longer see when scrolling through others’ Instagram posts or select “Unhide” if you wish their posts back into view again, then click “OK”. You can also unselect post hiding for certain users by clicking on their user links in the pop-up that appears afterward so they will be able to see their posts again, then click “OK”.
Block Accounts on Instagram.
- Go to your profile.
- Click the three dots in the top right corner of your screen.
- Select “Edit Profile” from the dropdown menu.
- Scroll down until you see “Privacy” at the bottom of your screen and click on it.
- Scroll down to find “Blocked and Inactive Users” and select it by clicking on it with your mouse or by tapping on it with your finger on a mobile device.
- A pop-up window will appear asking you if you wish to block this user, select “Yes” if you wish this user blocked or select “No” if you want them to continue posting, then click “OK”.
- A pop-up window will appear telling you that this user has been blocked; confirm that you wish for them to be blocked by selecting “Yes” in the pop-up that appears afterward or selecting “No” if you don’t want to block this user, then click “OK”.
- Your account will now only allow this one person to post on your account from now on, so go ahead and unfollow any additional accounts by clicking their icons in the Instagram app or by tapping on their user links in the pop-up that appears after you block a user.
- Once you have done this, go ahead and refresh your Instagram feed or reload your Instagram feed if it is currently showing all of your posts from different accounts (if you are trying to block multiple accounts).
- When you see posts from these particular users, select “Unblock” in the pop-up that appears afterward, then click “OK”.
Note: If your account becomes unable to post for some reason (such as if it is hacked or someone else takes over your account), you can always go to this page on Instagram’s official website and log in with one of your account details, then select the option to “Withdraw Permissions” under “Account Details” to remove the blocking of all accounts on Instagram.
How to get Followers on Instagram.
- Go to your profile.
- Click the three dots in the top right corner of your screen.
- Select “Edit Profile” from the dropdown menu.
- Scroll down until you see “Privacy” at the bottom of your screen and click on it. Display Images at the Top on Instagram, Hide All Active Posts From Other Users Back to Top. If you have ever wanted to display all of your posts on top of all of your other followers’ posts, then scroll down to find “Use a custom layout”. Select “Use a custom layout”. Then select “Customize layout” and click on “Select photos”.
- Scroll down until you see “Use a medium-sized cover photo”. Select it and click “Next”.
- Scroll down until you see “Specific people to follow” select the box next to the e-mail address of that person, then click on “Next”.
- Click on “Select photos” and select one or more images that you want to show on top of all of your other posts (or select nothing if you don’t have any images) and click on “Done”. Then click on “Choose your cover photo” and select the image that you just selected or if the option is not available, select the standard one (no limit), then click on “Done”.
Summing up
If you’re sick and tired of seeing the same old posts from the same old accounts, you can easily make their posts invisible to you with a couple of clicks. To do so, just log into your Instagram account, click on your profile, select the Post Privacy option, and select all the users whose posts you want to hide. You can also hide all posts from a specific user by selecting the toggle button next to their name and then selecting the Hide Posts option. If you want to completely block a user, just select the toggle button next to their name and select the Block User option. These techniques should help you keep your Instagram feed clean and clutter-free.